
We are Dedicated, Driven, and Determined
to Recover the Compensation You Deserve

Answers to Your Questions (FAQ)

Personal injury cases can be extremely complex—especially when there are competing interests, multiple parties, or insurers eager to minimize their own losses and downplay their negligence. The Sigal Law Firm is here to help you understand where you stand and how to move forward.

How does payment work?

For all personal injury cases, the Sigal Law Firm works on a contingency basis. This means that you pay nothing upfront. Once you receive a settlement or monetary damages, you will pay us a percentage of what you receive. You risk nothing by calling us to see if you have a case worth pursuing.?

Do I have to pay anything out-of-pocket?

No. We cover any filing fees or other legal fees in order to move your case forward. You will reimburse us later, out of your settlement, once it has been awarded.

How much is my case worth?

There is no simple answer. Several factors come into play. The most important are 1) the type and severity of your injuries, 2) the limits and conditions of the various insurance policies involved, and 3) the duration of your treatment/debilitation.

How long will my case take?

Personal injury cases are usually lengthy. On average, it usually takes between twelve (12) months and three (3) years to resolve these cases.

I’m at fault. Am I still entitled to anything?

This depends on the specifics of your case. Consider an auto accident. In most cases, if you are injured in an auto accident, you still have a right to “no-fault” benefits. This includes covering medical bills, recovery of lost wages, reimbursement for assistance around the house while you recover, or rides to medical appointments, and so on. All of these benefits are available to you even if you are at fault in your accident.

Am I entitled to lost wages? Help around the house while I recover?

In most cases, yes.

How long do I have to sue or otherwise pursue my claims?

This varies. For auto accidents, the statute of limitations for pain and suffering-related claims is three years. For no-fault benefits, you have to notify the insurance company of your accident within one year of the accident. If your claim is denied, you have one year to file a lawsuit from the date of the denial.

Do I have to disable my Facebook profile? Do I need to stop working? Should I stay in my house all day? What if I “don’t look injured enough”?

If you have been injured, then you are “injured enough.” You should never overstate your pain, suffering, or injuries—but you should not downplay them either. You have a right to compensation to cover the costs of your treatment and recovery. You may also be owed compensation for lost wages, pain and suffering, or other losses. You don’t need to delete your social media accounts or hide in your house. But you should be aware that when you’ve made a claim, insurance companies and their investigators will seek to get full access to your life. Following you on social media and sifting through your public postings is a low-cost way for them to do just that.

I was driving without a license/insurance/someone else’s vehicle. Do I still have a right to compensation?

These are complicated situations, but yes, you usually do. For example, even an unlicensed driver can be owed compensation if the vehicle that they were driving was used with permission. Similarly, if you are driving a borrowed vehicle and, without your knowledge, the owner failed to keep their insurance current, you can likely still make a claim. If you are operating a rental or company vehicle, you are likely owed compensation.

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